Wednesday, August 25, 2010



The last two days have been spent watching a stupid amount of movies and eating a stupid amount of food, whilst being on three seperate planes for a stupid amount of hours!!

We departed Brisbane (flying Emirates) on Monday morning (AEST time) at 2:30am. My aim for the tripwas to not sleep until the second seven hour leg of the trip - not easy!!

I struggled to stay awake, but kept myself entertained watching movies and television series'. Ben slept quite well, but, admittedly, he had me annoying him which probably made it more difficult (woops!).

Before I knew it we were at our first stop - Singapore. It was 8.30am (Singapore time) and we had a very quick 30mins off the plan to refresh ourselves and move our legs a little bit.

Round two of the trip was by far the longest and toughest part of the trip to get through. Ben and I watched more movies and had a (small) nap, which was the only sleep I had for the entire 24 hours.

After arriving at our second stop in Dubai, I was ready to quit and spend 4 weeks there rther then getting back on another 7 hour plane ride!!! By this stage I could have killed for a shower and my bed, but the best Dubai could offer was A LOT of Duty Free shopping (which we didn't indulge in) and a Caeser Salad.

The airport was soooo massive so travellers should NOTE: save money on for the trip home to spend duty free at Dubai... Singapore does not have as much variety unless you walk out of security, and we didn't have the option.

Unfortunately, we had to get back on our flight and finish our final leg of the journey (it couldn't come any sooner).

As I write this we are only 46 minutes away from touch down in London - AH!!!!

This whole experience/ journey I am about to undertake still hasn't hit me - I would never of seen myself doing this 12 months ago, and I guess I have to attribute a lot of it to Ben!

Once we arrive in London, Ben and I are staying at Katelin Kennish's place in Arno's Grover which should be good... although right now all I am thinking about is getting in a solid 12 hours of zzzzz's!!!

I am looking forward to the next four weeks I have ahead of me, and I am grateful to be doing it with someone who I feel very safe with - that security is second to none for me, especially because this is my first trip overseas without my parentals!!!

43 minutes to go...

Lauren, xx

NOTE : The Emirates service was extremely good.. great food, great staff and great entertainment!